Case Studies

Learn how companies around the world use anyLogistix
Supply Chain Network Design
Inventory Optimization
Supply Chain Risk Assessment
Sourcing Optimization

Digital twin for supply chain design and cost reduction

One of the leading manufacturers in the USA, ICP Group, sought the expertise of consulting firm SimWell to analyze its supply chain design and address issues related to supply chain cost reduction, transportation, and distribution. By creating a digital twin, the company has been empowered to make data-driven decisions without relying on external consultants. This enabled ICP to significantly reduce uncertainty, create a sustainable path for continuous optimization, and identify a 7% savings opportunity.

Logistics network design for disaster response in Indonesia

Indonesia is home to more than 500 volcanoes and is threatened by some of the greatest seismic activity in the world. Much of this activity is offshore and brings the significant added risk of tsunamis. When disasters strike, especially in remote areas of the Indonesian archipelago, existing response capacities are invariably stretched. The challenge was to find a logistics network design that would facilitate disaster relief operations.

Managing food supply chain disruptions in a public distribution system

COVID-19 negatively impacted the Public Distribution System in India by restricting both human movement and the transportation of goods. The National Institute of Industrial Engineering, now the Indian Institute of Management Mumbai, was committed to overcoming these challenges and so developed a simulation that would help manage supply chain disruptions, mitigating the effects of this pandemic as well as any future ones.

Fast moving consumer goods supply chain risk management with artificial intelligence

ITC Infotech provides technology solutions and services to enterprises all over the world, including banking, healthcare, manufacturing, and consumer goods. The latest advanced technologies are applied in their work.

Optimizing transportation routes for cost reduction

Weekends Only exists to provide quality and affordable furniture for every home and budget. A top priority among Weekends Only’s operational challenges is to continuously optimize the distribution of procured furniture from vendors all over the world to its warehouses and retail stores in the United States. The logistics team at Weekends Only wanted to explore the cost-benefit of multi-modal transportation, via a combination of ocean, barge, and truck, through the Port of New Orleans and the Mississippi River.

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