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Unit Conversions

The Unit Conversions table is used to create conversions for the user-defined measurement units (of weight, volume, pcs, and units previously created in the Units table) that will be used exclusively within the current scenario. This conversion refers to a specific product, and there can be only one unit conversion per table record.

Unit conversions may override the conversions specified in the Units section of anyLogistix settings.

Column Description


Defines the product for which the measurement unit conversion is specified.

The cell contains a list of products (defined in the Products table).

Amount from

The amount of the Unit from unit that is equal to the amount of the Unit to unit.

Unit from

The unit that you are converting the specified amount from.


The Equals sign. Denotes that the amounts specified in this record are equal.

Amount to

The amount of the Unit to unit that is equal to the specified amount of the Unit from unit.

Unit to

The unit that you are converting to.

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