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This table is used within the Network Optimization and Simulation-based experiments only.

Here you define the tax(es) to be paid for transporting the specified amount of products between the two objects located in different countries.

The defined taxes are added to the Total Cost statistics, unless one of the objects is a customer. In this case the data will not be added to the Total Cost statistics, since the expenses are incurred by the customer.

Statistics showing estimated taxes differ for the NO and SIM-based experiment types.

The product value (defined in the Products table) can be overridden.

Column Description


Defines the site the product is shipped from. It can be any facility (DC, Factory, Supplier), except a Customer.


Defines who the product is shipped to. It can be any facility (Customer, DC, or Factory), except a Supplier.


The product for which the tax payment is required.

The cell contains a list of products (defined in the Products table).

Tariff Type

Defines how the specified tariffs (Ad Valorem and Fixed ) are treated:

  • Mixed (highest) — the more expensive tariff is chosen
  • Mixed (lowest) — the least expensive tariff is chosen
  • Compound — the sum of the tariffs is chosen

For more information on tariff calculation refer here:

Ad Valorem

Defines the tax as a percentage of the value of the product. The defined value must be between 0 and 1.

Depending on the destination the value of the product can be taken from one of the following columns (defined in the Products table):

  • Selling Price — if a customer is defined in the To column
  • Cost — if DC or Factory is defined in the To column

The product value can be overridden.


Defines the tax as a fixed cost to pay per transferred Product Unit.

Product Unit

The capacity measurement units (pieces, or weight, or volume units).

The list of available units comprises the units defined in both the Manage units dialog and the Units table.


The type of currency the taxes will be expressed in.

Time Period

The time period during which the expenses will be incurred.

The cell contains a list of periods (previously defined in the Periods table).

Inclusion Type

Defines the status of the current tariff.

  • Include — if set, the tariff will be included into the supply chain configuration.
  • Exclude — if set, the tariff will be excluded from the supply chain configuration. If selected, the table record will be grayed out to denote the current inclusion type. The table record remains editable.

Tariff calculation

We will assume that the product's Selling Price is set to $100. One product is transferred from a DC to a Customer. Ad Valorem is set to 0.1 (10%), Fixed is set to $5. In case of:

  • Mixed (highest) — the Ad Valorem tax will be considered by the experiment, since it generates more tax dollars (10% of $100 is $10) than the Fixed tax ($5). If the values appear to be equal, any tax type will be chosen.
  • Mixed (lowest) — the Fixed tax will be considered by the experiment, since it generates less tax dollars ($5) as compared to Ad Valorem (10% of $100 is $10). If the values appear to be equal, any tax type will be chosen.
  • Compound — the Ad Valorem value ($10) is added to the Fixed value ($5) resulting in the total of $15.

Overriding product value

Please note the following cases for NO and SIM-based experiments when the product value is overridden.

In the NO experiment:

  • If the product is delivered to a customer, the Selling Price can be overridden by the Revenue (defined in the Demand table), which in its turn can be overridden by a Sale Batch.
  • If the product is delivered to a site, the Cost can be overridden by a Sale Batch.

In the SIM-based experiments

  • If the product is delivered to a customer, the Selling Price can be overridden by the Revenue (define in the Demand table). The Sale Batch in this case is not considered.
  • The Cost can be overridden by a Sale Batch only if the product is delivered to a site from a supplier.

Statistics showing estimated taxes

The NO and SIM-based experiments have different sets of statistics that allow you to observe the estimated tax values.

In the Network Optimization experiment the taxes are shown in:

  • The following columns of the Product Flows statistics:
    • Tariff, per item — the estimated tax per product item.
    • Tariff, total — the total tax generated for the products transported within the simulation period.
  • The following records of the Objective Members, Named Expressions, Overall Stats statistics:
    • Tariffs — the total amount of taxes generated within the simulation period for products transferred between the supply chain sites (DC, Factory, Supplier)
    • Customer Tariffs — the total amount of taxes generated within the simulation period for products transferred from a site to a customer. Such taxes are not included into the Total Cost statistics, since they are paid by the customer.

In the Simulation-based experiment types the taxes are shown in:

  • Tariffs — shows the taxes generated for transporting products between the sites of the supply chain.
  • Customer Tariffs — shows the taxes generated for transporting products from a site to a customer.
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