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Objective Members

This table is used within the Network Optimization experiment only. It is used to set members of the objective function by specifying coefficient for the existing Custom Constraints, Product flows, Product storages and Production constraints.

The objective function is a mathematical equation that describes the output target of the experiment that corresponds to profit maximization.

The resulting value of the expressions will be available in the Objective Members statistics of the NO experiment results and you will be able to compare it to the experiment results.

By default the table contains a number of predefined objectives. You can either modify them or create a custom objective.

Column Description


Specify the name of the objective member. It must be a meaningful name since it will be specified in the Objective Members statistics of the NO experiment results.


Expression — custom expression that will be processed during the experiment to later provide its resulting value in the Objective Members statistics of the NO experiment results. This expression consists of:

E.g. Coefficient2.65, Variable — Product Flows 1 = the specified flow will be multiplied by 2.65 and the resulting value will be specified in the Objective Members statistics of the NO experiment results.

Add to Objective

[Enabled by default] Defines if the expression is calculated and considered by the experiment in its results, or simply calculated to have its value stored in the Objective members statistics of the NO experiment.

  • Enabled — the expression affects the result of the experiment. Its value is available in the Objective members and Overall Stats statistics.
  • Disabled — the expression does not affect the result of the experiment. However, the experiment still calculates it and the received value is stored in the Objective members statistics of the NO experiment.

To completely exclude the expression from the experiment calculations, set its Inclusion type to Exclude.

Inclusion Type

Defines the status of the current record.

  • Include — if this status is set, the expression will be included into the experiment calculations.
  • Exclude — if set, the expression will be excluded from the experiment calculations. Its value will not be calculated. If selected, the table record will be grayed out to denote the current inclusion type. The table record stays editable.
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